Question of fact,事实问题。即完全由事实为根据,与法律无关,须经由法庭所判决。Question of Law,法律问题。即若果裁断是根据事实问题而作出,除非有很特别的情况,否则很难可以从上诉法庭推审下级法庭的裁断。“法官不回答事实问题”(ad quaestionem facti non respondent judices)“陪审团不回答法律问题”(a...
History and Meaning of Question of Fact Question of fact is a fundamental term in the legal system that refers to a dispute or discrepancy about the factual circumstances of a case. The term has been used in the common law legal system for centuries and forms one of the two main inquiries...
UNMIXING THE MIXED QUESTIONS: A FRAMEWORK FOR DISTINGUISHING BETWEEN QUESTIONS OF FACT AND QUESTIONS OF LAW IN CONTRACTUAL INTERPRETATION Comerica Bank (2001) when stating, "Without any affirmative evidence of grossly negligent conduct, plaintiff is left with relying on speculation and conjecture, which...
From question of fact to question of law to question of private international law: the question whether a person is male, female, or…?recognition or acceptance of a foreign statusintersexualityhuman rightssexual identitypublic policyadaptationunknown foreign status...
2. When the doubt or difference arises as to what the law is on a certain state of facts, this is said to be a legal question, and when the party demurs, this is to be decided by the court; when it arises as to the truth or falsehood of facts, this is a question of fact, ...
The meaning of QUESTION is an interrogative expression often used to test knowledge. How to use question in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Question.
The meaning of QUESTION is an interrogative expression often used to test knowledge. How to use question in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Question.
网络共同的法律或事实问题 网络释义 1. 共同的法律或事实问题 希高翻译... ...common question of law or fact共同的法律或事实问题errors of fact or law 事实或法律上的错误 ...|基于3个网页
light of the entire opinion, the above quoted language was not likely meant as a clear indicationof This decision gives the Federal Circuit a virtually unrestricted review of the likelihood ofconfusion issue.43 B 43 The "clearly erroneous" doctrine does not apply to questions of law 被引量: ...
There is no mistaking the fact: Julius Wellhausen had little use for law. The very word smacked of institutions, authority, norms, and constraints-the mortal foes of the free spirit, the natural impulse, the open air. Since a traditional view regarded law as playing a...