Meet the "Exclamation Question Mark" emoji ⁉, a symbol that is composed of a red exclamation mark and a red question mark, and is designed to show both shock and confusion. The Exclamation Question Mark emoji captures that unique blend of shock and curiosity. It's like shouting, "What...
Meet the "Exclamation Question Mark" emoji ⁉, a symbol that is composed of a red exclamation mark and a red question mark, and is designed to show both shock and confusion. The Exclamation Question Mark emoji captures that unique blend of shock and curiosity. It's like shouting, "What...
The "Question Mark" emoji ❓️is composed of a red dot and a hook-like line, and this design is universally recognized as a symbol for questions, uncertainty, or the need for clarification. The ❓️ emoji is a versatile symbol, perfect for various contexts, especially when you want...
<spanclass="i-fxemoji-exclaimationquestionmark"></span> @iconify/tailwind 是 Iconify 作者专为 tailwind 打造的插件,可以让你很方便的通过写一个样式名即可引入图标。@egoist/tailwindcss-icons 也实现了差不多的能力,他们的区别是: @iconify/tailwind 使用动态类名,因此它只为你使用到的图标请求生成 CSS。
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To mark if a prompt is relevant only with a previous question or not. If true, do not include this QnA as search result for queries without context; otherwise, if false, ignores context and includes this QnA in search result. prompts prompts array of KnowledgeBaseAnswerPrompt List of pro...
问号(QuestionMark) 资源编号 : 32180999 格式: png 文件体积 : 4k 下载量 : 22 分辨率 : 42 x 42 PNG 4k 名称 分辨率 格式 加载中... 加载失败,点击重新加载 收藏 评论 在线编辑 图片编辑 详情页 投诉 分享 爱给网提供海量的合集成套资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为png 格式的问号(...
To mark if a prompt is relevant only with a previous question or not. If true, do not include this QnA as search result for queries without context; otherwise, if false, ignores context and includes this QnA in search result. prompts prompts array of KnowledgeBaseAnswerPrompt List of pro...
So the names are in the first row? = KeithleyNotary So, it is not counting for each child but counting for multiple children? Since it is a secret what is in the other column I will give the long way: =COUNTA(J48)+COUNTA(Q3:)...
To mark if a prompt is relevant only with a previous question or not. If true, do not include this QnA as search result for queries without context; otherwise, if false, ignores context and includes this QnA in search result. prompts prompts array of KnowledgeBaseAnswerPrompt List of pro...