项目代号为qg,对应question generation,下面是项目的基本信息。 - 目标 实现一个简单的QG程序 - 时间规划 2周 (2020.9.14-27) 项目阶段 项目分解为4个步骤,每个步骤将对应一篇md - 搭建环境 - 熟悉一个nlp框架 - 熟悉一篇qg论文 - 实现一个简单的QG(根据文本生成问题)程序 项目分析 从4个项目步骤看,nlp框架...
其主要的应用场景是“教育”,方便读者深入理解一段文字,也为外语初学者等提供更多的学习材料;另外也可以被应用于对话生成中,即生成追问问题;也可以充当医生的角色,询问患者一些基本问题。但是目前这项研究的主要应用场景是生成更多的数据来提升Reading Comprehension和QA的效果。 Question Generation和其他的NLP任务一样,并...
Question Generation (QG) is an important and challenging problem that has attracted attention from the natural language processing (NLP) community over the last years. QG aims to automatically generate questions given an input. Recent studies in this field typically use widely available question-...
nlp=pipeline("question-generation",model="valhalla/t5-small-qg-prepend",qg_format="prepend")nlp("42 is the answer to life, the universe and everything.")=>[{'answer':'42 ','question':'What is the answer to life, the universe, and everything?'}] ...
NLP: Automatic Question Generation This program takes a text file as an input and generates questions by analyzing each sentence.Note: A similar implementatin is here.UsageVirtualenv recommendedpip install -r requirements.txtpython -m textblob.download_corpora python3 file.txt...
Question Generation (QG) is an important task in Natural Language Processing (NLP) that involves generating questions automatically when given a context paragraph. While many techniques exist for the task of QG, they employ complex model architectures, extensive features, and additional mechanisms to ...
这个工作着眼于Visual Question Generation (VQG)这个多模态问题,同样使用当下热门的GAN来处理,它最大的创新之处在于构建了双判别器(bi-discriminator)结构。 问题背景 上面讲到,这个工作聚焦的任务是Visual Question Generation,即根据图片产生问题。但这个任务有一个重要的特征,那就是要让所问的问题得以使双方的对话进...
Multiple-choice test generation is one of the most complex NLP problems, especially in languages other than English, where there is a lack of prior research. After a review of the literature, it has been verified that some methods like the usage of rule-
QA的研究相当多,只对提升回答多样性做一些调研,有新的文章或者方法欢迎私信论文讨论 论文 Generating High-Quality and Informative Conversation Responses with Sequence-to-Sequence Models Topic Aware Neural Response Generation A Diversity-Promotin...自然语言处理,NLP,科普与详解 什么是自然语言处理 简单地说,自...