Embodiments of the present invention are directed to a computer-implemented method for determining topic specific reliability for a question answering system. A non-limiting example of the computer-implemented method includes receiving a topic specific input query by the question answering system. The ...
An example of a question–answering system developed for agriculture is provided by (Kawamura and Ohsuga, 2014). An overview of the system is shown inFig. 3. Sign in to download hi-res image Fig. 3.Overview of Information Retrieval System (Kawamura and Ohsuga, 2014). ...
本文为 Lecture 10 Question Answering and the Default Final Project 与Notes 07 Question Answering 的笔记。 Useful links 课程官网:Stanford CS224n || Stanford CS224n-2019 课程材料:LooperXX/CS224n-Resource || LooperXX/CS224n-Reading-Notes 课程视频:YouTube 国内视频资源:2019版|英文字幕(仍在更新)...
2024 See all Example Sentences for question Recent Examples of Synonyms for question problem request objection topic challenge debate doubt ask Noun There are undoubtedly a multitude of factors that help to explain this complex problem. Bill Hutchinson, ABC News, 31 Dec. 2024 Dealing comes into...
Many problems areinvolved in this process, for example, how to produce effective Lexicon and Grammar efficiently for large corpus. In this paper we present our understanding about Knowledge-Based QuestionAnswering system and the procedure of implementing a prototype using some open-source tools, such...
Example:L.S.Coles,“TechniquesforInformationRetrievalUsinganInferentialQuestion-AnsweringSystemwithNaturalLanguageInput,”SRIReport,1972 M.Nagao,J.Tsujii:MechanismofDeductioninaQuestion-AnsweringSystemwithNaturalLanguageInputd.IJCAI1973:285-290. J.R.McSkimin,J.Minker:TheUseofaSemanticNetworkinaDeductiveQuestion-...
The meaning of QUESTION is an interrogative expression often used to test knowledge. How to use question in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Question.
For example, the first question is "What is the capital of Japan?" and the one succeeding is related to the first such as "What was it called in ancient times?". Contextual question-answering can be considered interactive. This paper describes our system for contextual questions, which ...
To scrape Peewee’s docs, we run the script with the documentation URL and the output directory as command line arguments. For example: $ python scrape.py https://docs.peewee-orm.com/en/latest/ docs/ Now we are ready to create a simple question-answering system. It will consist of sev...
The system,which initially transformed into intelligent answering system,took the public computer course of East China Normal University as an application example. After testing four classes of students studied Data Processing and Management,we found that classification success rate can be about 80%,...