The permanent URI of the ontology is: The Qanary vocabulary aims to define a vocabulary to express information that is generated during the execution of a Question Answering (QA) systems on a question given as speech, text input or any other input. ...
Learning to Collaborate for Question Answering and Asking, byDuyu Tang and Nan Duan and Zhao Yan and Zhirui Zhang and Yibo Sun and Shujie Liu and Yuanhua Lv and Ming Zhou[bib] Leveraging Context Information for Natural Question Generation, ...
Synthetic question-answering dataset to formally analyze the chain-of-thought output of large language models on a reasoning task. - asaparov/prontoqa
A shinier web interface is available at and you can also use the web frontend as a REST API. By default, there is a lot of output regarding progress of the answering process; redirect stderr, e.g. 2>/dev/null, to get rid of that. ...
Step 1: Constructing Ontology First, we construct a knowledge base by using Owlready2. cd ontology python Step 2: Generating Questions Next we generate questions based on the ontology and logical operators. You can generate logical questions with 2 logical operators and 3 logical operat...
DilBert: Delaying Interaction Layers in Transformer-based Encoders for Efficient Open Domain Question Answering (2020) paper: github: UnifiedQA: Crossing Format Boundaries With a Single QA System (2020) ...
The solution can be, that the TM ontology includes also the identical definition as in the TD ontology, however, those are in the TM namespace. The above example would look like this: _:b0` <> <
Update the index parameter in the lucene-bioconcept descriptors with the path to the Lucene index for the biomedical ontology. Also, you need to change other parameters if you use customized field names. Remove the .template suffix from the file names, including resources/bioqa/concept/retrieval/...
Controllable Open-ended Question Generation with A New Question Type Ontology. ACL, 2021. paper codes Shuyang Cao, Lu Wang Combining QA and QG This direction investigate how to combine the task of QA and QG by multi-task learning or joint training. Question Generation for Question Answering. EM...
RACE (ReAding Comprehension from Examinations)(Lai et al.,2017) is a question-answering dataset derived from reading comprehension exams conducted in middle and high school English lessons in China. Therefore, the context, questions, and answers were created by domain experts. However, it is worth...