Questie: The WoW Classic quest helper 0 stars 301 forks Branches Tags Activity Star Notifications ryjac/Questie master 3 Branches0 Tags Code This branch is 2352 commits behind Questie/Questie:master. Folders and files Latest commit Cabro [quest] Adjusted some race+class requirements for some...
Questie ~ The Classic Quest Helper This version of Questie is still under HEAVY development. it receives several updates each day on GitHub. The builds on here will be updated weekly, but if you want the latest fixes make sure to check there: Make...
插件失效 如果Questie插件出现加载失效的情况,可能是由于插件文件损坏或版本不兼容。此时,你可以尝试以下步骤: 打开魔兽世界插件目录,通常位于world of warcraft/_classic_/Addons(怀旧服)或world of warcraft/Interface/AddOns(正式服)。 找到Questie插件文件夹,删除其中的Questie-BCC.toc文件。这个文件是插件的识别文件...
Questie comes with translations for all offical WoW Classic languages. These are: English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, Taiwanese and Korean. If you want to help with translations then checkout theTranslation folderand search for missing translations by: ["<yourLanguage>"...
If you get an error message from the WoW client, please include thecompletetext or a screenshot of it in your report. You need to enter/console scriptErrors 1once in the ingame chat for Lua error messages to be shown. You can later disable them again with/console scriptErrors 0. ...
Questie ~ The Classic Quest Helper This version of Questie is still under HEAVY development. it receives several updates each day on GitHub. The builds on here will be updated weekly, but if you want the latest fixes make sure to check there: Make...
【任务百科插件questie失效的解决方式】 任务百科指引插件questie如果出现加载失效的情况,请按照以下方式解决: 打开魔兽世界插件目录world of warcraft/_classic_/Addons,找到Questie插件文件,删掉其中的Questie-BCC.toc文件即可。#有爱插件# 138 部落鬼见愁 大神 插件不显示npc怎么搞 调了好几天了 ...
QuestieQuestiePublic Questie: The WoW Classic quest helper Lua1k308 QuestieDBQuestieDBPublic Lua2 LibQuestieSerializerLibQuestieSerializerPublic Lua LibQuestieStreamLibQuestieStreamPublic Lua sod-monitorsod-monitorPublic A Discord bot to parse reports from messages ...
If you are looking for the Burning Crusade Classic version of Questie. Download itHere! ———- Burning Crusade port of Questie! About The “!Questie” folder must be placed in your addons directory. A quest helper for World of Warcraft (2.4.3) – Burning Crusade PSA:...
14 『任務』任務位置提示 Questie 在地圖上標示出任務位置,包含任務 NPC 和任務怪的位置。也包含任務追蹤清單增強和任務進度通報的功能。 作 者 Aero/Logon/Muehe/TheCrux(BreakBB)/Dyaxler/Schaka/Zoey/Everyone else @ Curse 譯 者 彩虹ui使用...