Module 'twentynm_fp_mac_encrypted' is not define. As per you previous thread --- Quote End --- Can you edit the msim_setuo.tcl file and check again. 1.Add below lines in Compile device library files sec...
# ** Error: f:/ambrosef/CASE_1009057/2014_05_16/Project_files/exdes/DDR2_A7_example/DDR2_A7_example.srcs/sources_1/ip/DDR2_A7/DDR2_A7/user_design/rtl/phy/mig_7series_v2_0_ddr_calib_top.v(1303): Module 'mig_7series_v2_0_ddr_phy_wrlvl' is not defined. ...
Here in below example, rule is applied to get the recursive toggle and statement coverage for some particular module, Fig 5. Add Rule option in Questa Test plan Step: 3. XML to UCDB Conversion of Questa Testplan Convert this XML Questa Testplan in UCDB using below command, xml2ucdb -...
// filename: full_adder_tb.vmodulefull_adder_tb;regain, bin, cin;wiresumout, cout;//task 1: createan instancefull_adder u_full_adder(.a_in(ain),.b_in(bin),.c_in(cin),.sum_out(sumout),.c_out(cout) );//task 2: clock and reset generatorparameterCLK_PERIOD =20;regclk, rese...
You’re apparently missing the ROM module in your compilation. Jan 17, 2023 #3 T ThisIsNotSam Advanced Member level 5 Joined Apr 6, 2016 Messages 2,659 Helped 398 Reputation 796 Reaction score 482 Trophy points 1,363 Activity points ...
I can't reproduce your original result of it not working. You didn't share your test bench, so I created a simple one to simulate it on my end. I'm curious if the crux lies in how you're generating the inputs to this module, ...
Time: 10 ps Scope: close_module File: /opt/Project/cocotb/examples/sim_exit/tests/../hdl/close_module.v Line: 58 ** Info: This is an info message Time: 20 ps Scope: close_module File: /opt/Project/cocotb/examples/sim_exit/tests/../hdl/close_module.v Line: 59 ...
According to the requirement, user can set several rules as per the option available in Add Rule option. Here in below example, rule is applied to get the recursive toggle and statement coverage for some particular module, Fig 5. Add Rule option in Questa Test plan ...
** Error: D:/FPGATEAM/Murali/RPU/questa_practice/fifo_ex_stote/fifo_fifo2_sim_181_project/fifo1/synth/fifo1.v(19): Module 'fifo1_fifo_1910_lpo4uxi' is not defined. # For instance 'fifo_0' at path 'tb_top.uut_inst.u0' ** Error: D:/FPGATEAM/Murali/RPU/questa_practice...
Module 'twentynm_fp_mac_encrypted' is not define. As per you previous thread --- Quote End --- Can you edit the msim_setuo.tcl file and check again. 1.Add below lines in Compile device library files sec...