H.265可以设置为200比特率,虽然延迟小一些,但是会有更高的帧间延迟,用H.264效果不错。 Encode Resolution Width:编码分辨率,4128比较接近Q3原生分辨率,得到的画面更清晰。 Encode Dynamic Bitrate:编码动态比特率,这个设置打开会让比特率动态变化,在比较复杂的场景,画面会变的模糊,关掉他,任何时候比特率都固定,但是...
Simplify IT management and spend less time on IT administration and more time on IT innovation. It’s time to rethink systems and information management.
We've selected the best Meta Quest games in every category: shooters, rhythm, exercise, puzzle, action, horror, and more!
Get the lowdown on 'Quest 2 vs Quest 3'. We compare design, performance, and more to help you decide whether Quest 3 is worth the upgrade.
近日消息,Meta再次降低了Quest 2的价格,这次将其128GB版本价格降至了200美元。该公司已在亚马逊等主要零售商处推出新的定价方案,除了128GB版本外,256GB的版本现在为270美元。据悉,最新的价格在沃尔玛、塔吉特、百思买、New Egg等商店都支持,包括直接从Meta购买的价格。值得注意的是,沃尔玛的交易包括还50美元...
Smaller and lighter than the original Quest, Quest 2 delivers faster performance and our highest-resolution display ever — and it starts at just $299 USD.
EncodeResolutionWidth: 这个设置影响我们编码画质的分辨率宽度,首先我们要知道一些基本参数, Quest2单眼屏幕分辨率:1832x1920 Quest3单眼屏幕分辨率:2064x2208 这意味着Quest2的游戏渲染分辨率为:3664x1920 所以如果你用的是Quest2,那么这个选项应该填写3664,这样就能获得1:1的点对点渲染分辨率,如果是Q3,那就填写4128。
What for? If you have Geforce card and strong CPU for Oculus Link, you just buy HP Reverb G2 and that’s it. All these extra accessories needed for Quest to be G2 are equally expensive. With Quest 2 you get worse resolution, worse panels, worse audio (can we even call it audio?
Oculus Quest 2 vs. Quest Specs Photo by Road to VR Before we dive into the full review, here’s a breakdown of Quest 2 compared to Quest official specs: Quest 2Quest Resolution (per-eye)1,832 × 1,920 (LCD) 1,440 × 1,600 (OLED) ...