which is why we offer a broad array of drug testing for your diverse needs. Whether you are seeking to start a drug monitoring program or to supplement an existing program with additional testing, we offer urine and oral fluid drug testing to meet the needs of healthcare providers, pain spe...
Drug Monitoring, Assess Panel, Comprehensive, Qualitative, Urine Drug monitoring, Phoshatidylethanol (PEth), Blood Test Drug Monitoring Antidepressants With Confirmation Urine and Serum Drug Testing General Toxicology Blood Urine or Serum Drug Toxicology Alcohol Metabolite with Confirmation Oral Fluid ...
Drug testing is one tool utilized to identify patients who qualify for therapy and then to evaluate the continued effectiveness of pain relief; assess the potential for misuse, addiction or diversion; and ensure adherence to an agreed upon treatment plan. Urine is typically the...
Careful drug management can reduce the incidence of drug-resistant infections and prolong the effectiveness of antibiotic arsenals, according to a new study of ciprofloxacin use [269]. Under a stewardship program, whereby a multidrug panel was tested with the mandate that ciprofloxacin susceptibility ...