Desert Treasure OSRS Rewards Once you have reached the quest’s climax, or even before you decide to take on the quest itself, you may be left wondering what you will receive for all of your hard work. We are talking a few hours work here, after all. So with that said, when you co...
Quest speedrunning is a new game mode introduced on October 12th, 2022, as an alternative way to play OSRS . The quest speedrunning game mode specifically targe
If you're training a skill, use the search feature to find which quests give XP rewards for that skill.Happy Questing! Search for Name Members QP Difficulty (?) Length (?) Unhide Animal Magnetism Yes 1 Another Slice of H.A.M. Yes 1 Between a Rock... Yes 2 Big Chompy Bird ...
RuneScape Desperate Times Quest Rewards For completing this quest, you will receive3 quest points. Also, you will get a pocket slot item calledCharos’ Clue Carrier, and amaster clue scroll. You can expect to receive a hugeXP lamptoo, plus twoTreasure Hunter keys, and twoHearts of Ice. Fo...