Mind Games is an upcoming quest mod for Fallout 4. Take on a new detective case with Nick Valentine, where you find yourself entangled amongst various factions vying for control over the sewers and tunnels beneath Boston, while facing the consequences of the search for your son - everything ...
You can try this mod out for yourself now. Just go to Nexus mods and download it, right here. It’s already got over 6,000 unique downloads, so it’s fairly popular. Alternatively, if you want a change from the Commonwealth, check out some of the best games like Fallout. Otherwise...
So, since it's been over a year since I've given any real updates on any of my mod projects, I figured I might as well explain what happened to them, for anyone who's still following my stuff. In short, I've decided to shut down both of the main projects I had been working on...
As far as I'm aware, that's the only issues left with my game, so if anyone knows how to fix them, I'd really appreciate it because then I'd be able to actually play Fallout 4 like I used to 1 6 1 Road Warrior-NCR Patriot·2h How many mods are you playing with and what...
本帖最后由 scterry 于 2022-1-3 21:29 编辑 N网原址https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/...
A list of all Gamebryo quest IDs in Fallout: New Vegas. These IDs and stages are useful for fixing broken quests. Use the console command setstage <quest id> <quest stage id>. Please note that some quests do not have stages.
Fallout 3 mod | Released 2014 summary articles reviews files videos images ~ Megaton's settlers have been lately complaining about the water shortage in town. Are you willing to provide the Treatment! ~ This plugin adds quest objectives and map markers to one of the game's unmarked quests, ...
Fallout 4: Lightning shader fixed (thanks RJK) Skyrim SE: Some effect fixes (thanks RJK) Mass Effect: Legendary Edition: ME1/2: G3D/Z3D profiles added, note that G3D performance isn’t exactly great due to a somewhat ineffecient D3D9 to D3D11 conversion. Especially for ME2, which doesn’...
24.1.0 however probably won’t work with camara mods since it comes with it’s own camera mod for auto-FOV and DirectVR 3D. You might get lucky with 24.1.0 and the Witcher 3 Script Merger, but since both the vorpX mod and the first person mod affect the camera that probably won’t...
Once you reach the Southern Aeonia Swamp Bank Site of Grace, continue along the road to the north and pass through the large gate—just watch out for the troll throwing rocks from the cliff above. On the other side, you should see the shack off the road to your right. Talk to Gowry...