The various quests are for many people the most fun aspect of RuneScape. When you have completed a quest, you will get one or more rewards, such as experience points in certain skills, items, money or access to new areas. You will always earn 1-5 quest points (QPs) when you complete...
Icthlarin's Little HelperIntermediateMedium2Members Imp CatcherNoviceMedium1Free In Aid of the MyrequeIntermediateMedium2Members In Search of the MyrequeIntermediateShort2Members Jungle PotionNoviceShort1Members King's RansomExperiencedMedium1Members ...
Welcome to RuneScape Help's Quest Guides section. Here you will find step-by-step help and walkthroughs for all Runescape quests.You can hide quests you've completed by clicking the image to the right, and unhide selected ones by clicking the Unhide link.If you're training a skill, use...
An unsettling desert wanderer may know of a secret entrance though, to Sophanem - the city of the dead. Will you become Icthlarin's Little Helper by entering? Enter into a titanic struggle for the soul of the high priest of Icthlarin in a land where the cat is top dog. ” ...
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Icthlarin's Little Helper (for Part 3) Items Needed: 100gp, 3 Dyes, and 3 Cowhides, OR 3 Snakeskin, OR 3 Wolf fur, OR 3 Wool. Rewards: The ability to solve Sudoku puzzles to purchase runes from Ali Morrisane's caskets at a discount. (After completing Part 1) The ability to ...