If you care, please share. Your silence is consent. Expose demonic lies. Spread the truth to liberate those trapped in darkness, “… you will know the truth and The Truth shall set you free.” *** FINAL WORDS. Note of Gratitude: ‘Many thanks for reading this page. All glory to God...
Gamespot’s review astutely noted that “many will come just for the progressive horror element and the possible gruesome unveiling of a horrible truth in the end,” but also found the title to be “smarter but less compelling” than its predecessor. Silent Hill 2 survived its slow start, I...
From: The Unbroken Circle of Truth http://eagle-net.org/goldenkey/unbroken.htm The HOLY GRAIL is within you then and you will forever drink from the spirit of GOD...ALL THAT IS...THE UNBROKEN CIRCLE OF TRUTH. --- BEAUTIFUL DAWN: Waves of beautiful light spreading in ever-widenin...
You can go in any direction you choose for God gave us all a freewill But our actions and decisions have eternal consequences too.Many choose to checkout early as believing there is nothing thereafter.Not true and what you do and choose now matters.My life was over and I decided to thro...
His promises of life eternal after death turn out to be a nightmarish half-life in the Land of the Dead. In return for this delusive salvation, the Authority demands unconditional obedience. His angelic followers are prepared to wage spiritual warfare against nonconformists, while his acolytes ...