🎂 Birthday Cake:不错的选择。 🌰 Chocolate Hazelnut:有吃到过疑似坏掉的Hazelnut,所以没有再买了。 🍪 Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough:和Double Chocolate Chunk很像,也很好吃。 🍩 Chocolate Sprinkled Doughnut:今年新出的口味,非常难吃,一点也不像doughnut。我通常在GNC或Vitamin Shoppe购买,看哪个打折更多。...
加热后,花生米、巧克力块和蛋白棒体混合在一起,像流淌的花生酱,必买!🍪 Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough 巧克力脆片曲奇面团 常温下会腻,但加热后很好吃,黄油味和巧克力味平衡得很好,巧克力块融化后口感更佳。整体来说没有特别突出的记忆点,但也不会出错。🍫 Double Chocolate Chunk 双重巧克力块 这个口味真的太...
Quest Cookie - PEANUT BUTTER CHOCOLATE CHIP (12 Cookie(S)) by Quest Nutrition at the Vitamin Shoppe 超值好货。最新爆款商品折扣 花生酱巧克力饼干 12条 24.99 北美省钱快报抢好货, 每日必抢都在这里
Quest Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Brownies Recipe January 1, 2025 | Author: Clark Pagaduan CHEAT ON BASIC BROWNIES WITH QUESTIFIED COOKIE DOUGH PROTEIN BROWNIES. Brownies. They show up at bake sales, awkward office potlucks, and sometimes in your freezer at 2 a.m. But what if brownies cou...
Quest Bars - Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough | The Vitamin Shoppe 超值好货。最新爆款商品折扣 能量棒 24.99 北美省钱快报抢好货, 每日必抢都在这里
Quest Protein Bar 蛋白棒的热量和减肥功效 别名:QUEST Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough、Quest Protein Bar Quest Protein Bar 蛋白棒 热量:317 大卡(100克) 营养信息 营养素含量(每100克) 营养素含量(每100克) 热量(大卡)317.00 碳水化合物(克)35.00 脂肪(克)15.00 蛋白质(克)35.00 纤维素(克)20.00 相关食物商...
3. Mocha Chocolate Chip 4. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough 5. Apple Pie 6. Double Chocolate Chunk 7. Chocolate Brownie 8. S’mores 9. Chocolate PB 10. Cinnamon Roll 2013 & 2014 RX Member of the Year 2014 RX Muscle September Member of the Month Reply...
外文名称:Quest Protein Cookie Double Chocolate Chip 59g X 12 条形码:888849007431 温馨提示WARM PROMPT 本品为膳食补充剂(营养素补充剂),不能替代药物。 产品介绍PRODUCT INTRODUCTION Quest Nutrition 蛋白质曲奇巧克力饼干含有丰富的蛋白质和膳食纤维。其口感醇厚,香脆可口。并且可以消除饥饿增强饱腹感,减少食物中脂...
Quest for the ultimate chocolate chip cookie warms up in winter.(Originated from Providence Journal-Bulletin)Lee, Donna
(1). "I'm on a quest to find the perfect chocolate chip cookie recipe," said Lily to her friend. "I've tried so many, but none of them taste exactly right." Her friend replied, "Good luck with that! It sounds like a delicious quest." 翻译:“我正在努力寻找完美的巧克力曲奇饼干配方...