Without thinking or inquiring in advance, I went to a Quest Labs for a standard Thyroid panel. I did not even think of asking for the cost up front, as I "assumed" it would be reasonable. I am an uninsured individual and pay cash for treatments and procedures. Most companies offer a ...
Steroid Panel, PCOS/CAH Differentiationb,c Includes 11-deoxycortisol, 17-hydroxyprogesterone, androstenedione , DHEA, unconjugated, and total and free testosterone. Thyroid disease 899 TSH Diagnose hyper- or hypothyroidism 19537 TSH With HAMA Treatment ...
thyroid panel both free T4 and TSH. Imagine my surprise when quest charged $120.64 for just a TSH. The list goes on including splitting out the cholesterol, HDL and triglyceride levels so they could inflate 3 charges ridiculously instead of just a simple lipid panel. Yes I will pay the ...