-- Compile the java code from ${src} and ${src.test} into ${build}--> <javac debug="on" destdir="${build}" > <src path="${src}" /> <src path="${src.test}" /> <classpath refid="classpath"/> </javac> </target> build.xml文件中增加的信息可以调用JProbe预处理器。JProbe...
epoch=(dow<<27)+ROUND_U(fmod(tow,86400.0)*1E3); } else if (sys==SYS_CMP) { /* beidou time (tow-ms) */ epoch=ROUND_U(time2gpst(gpst2bdt(rtcm->time),NULL)*1E3); } else { /* gps, qzs and galileo time (tow-ms) */ epoch=ROUND_U(time2gpst(rtcm->time,NULL)*1E3);9...
Common method bias was assessed using Harman’s single-factor test by conducting a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). All the items for intrinsic religiosity, extrinsic religiosity, quest religiosity, and atheism were loaded onto a single factor. The model fit was very poor (CFI = 0.608;SR...