Vitamin B12 and folate levels in healthy Swiss senior citizens: a prospective study evaluating reference intervals and decision limits. BMC Geriatr 2015;15:82.10.1186/s12877-015-0060-xSearch in Google Scholar PubMed PubMed Central 27. Vidoni ML, Pettee Gabriel K, Luo ST, Simonsick EM, Day...
Snow CF. Laboratory diagnosis of vitamin B12 and folate deficiency: A guide for the primary care physician. Arch Intern Med. 1999;159:1289-1298. This FAQ is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. A clinician’s test selection and interpretation, diagnosis...
and false positive test results to use as a tool to screen all babies (Folling's test was much more accurate at about 8 weeks of life when levels of phenylpyruvic acid became high in the urine, but by then the brain was already badly harmed). If deployed too early, the test ...
Test NameSample TypeTube ColorSelect CoQ10bSerum FolateSerum Methylmalonic AcidRed Top Serum RBC Folatec,eEDTA Whole Blood Vitamin B12Serum Vitamin D, 25 OHSerum Vitamin D2/D3Serum Fatty Acid Tests Test NameSample TypeTube ColorSelect