arch linux上来自ADB的Oculus Quest无权限错误 Arch Linux 是一种轻量级和高度可定制的 Linux 操作系统,ADB 是 Android Debug Bridge 的缩写,是一种用于与 Android 设备通信的命令行工具。Oculus Quest 是一款虚拟现实头戴式设备,用于提供沉浸式的虚拟现实体验。 当在Arch Linux 上连接 Oculus Quest 设备并使用 A...
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Oculuse quest2 adb驱动,只有windows系统才要这个驱动,mac和linux都不要: oculuse developer hub,可以查看机器性能的一个开发工具: 另两个设置SDK的说明:
Once that’s done, if you’re using Windows, visit theOculus ADB drivers download pageand install them tolet your device interface over ADB. This isn’t necessary on Mac or Linux. Extract the downloaded ZIP file, then inside you’ll find a file calledandroid_winusb.inf. Right-click on t...
SideQuest for PC/Mac/Linux Install SideQuest on your computer Go to theSideQuest downloads page,download and run the ‘Advanced Installer’ for your Desktop operating system, which will install SideQuest and the necessary drivers for sideloading. ...
VROS is an in-house AOSP build that runs on the Meta Quest product line up. It contains customizations on top of AOSP to provide the VR experience on Quest hardware, including firmware, kernel modifications, device drivers, system services, SELinux policies, and applications. ...
so that Android apps not publishing the Oculus-compatible manifest and/or not coming from the Oculus store show in the menus so that the user can actually launch them. Right now they don’t (not even in the unknown sources tab) and launching such app requires some adb shell equilibristics...