Absolutely, you can set up and use Oculus Link or Air Link wirelessly on multiple gaming PCs with your Quest 3 headset. Just complete the Oculus PC software installation and setup process individually on each computer you intend to use for VR. Then pair your Quest 3 headset normally to each...
Pico 4 Ultra可作为Meta Quest 3的替代品来考虑。这款一体式VR头显的规格优于Meta Quest 3,拥有256GB存储空间和12GB内存,而Quest只有128GB存储空间和8GB内存。两款头显使用相同的芯片,但考虑到Pico 4 Ultra仅比Quest略贵一些,这样的规格提升已经相当不错了。Pico 4 Ultra使用起来也非常简单直观,在包括《Ariz...
Looking to make your Quest 3S gaming experience even better? Don’t miss ourtop picks for the most essential Quest 3 accessories. The new hotness supports all of the same Quest 3 accessories, save the facial interfaces, which are unique to each headset. Free Quest Games Yeeps: Hide and Se...
尽管在Meta Quest Gaming Showcase上,Meta展出了20+的VR游戏,并且还不乏IP大作的身影,但始终让人觉得缺了点意思,颇有股风雷大作之后,却只是小雨淅淅的意味。在苹果MR即将发布的关口,单单是锦上添花般的常规游戏、应用更新,并不足以保障Meta Quest以绝对优势继续占据VR头显的市场份额。希望Quest 3正式发售后...
国外媒体TechRadar Gaming近日揭晓了2024年度最佳VR头显榜单。虽然榜单中的每款头显都获得了“某类最佳”的称号,但实际排名仍有先后之分。在榜单上,Meta Quest 3脱颖而出,荣获榜首,而国产头显PICO 4 Ultra则位列第八,被誉为Meta Quest的优选替代品。遗憾的是,小派科技并未有产品上榜。该媒体精心挑选了八款...
Get the latest tech and gaming news, unbiased reviews, and expert insights at PCQuest. Covering everything from cutting-edge tech to the hottest new games.
国外媒体 TechRadar Gaming 评出了 2024 年度最佳 VR 头显类产品。作者给上榜头显全部安排了某类 " 最佳 " 的头衔,但实际仍然存在排行的先后。该榜单中,Meta Quest 3 获第一名,国产头显 PICO 4 Ultra 位列第八,小派科技没有产品上榜。 该媒体共选出了八款其认为是最顶级精品的头显,且对每一款产品都做出...
国外媒体TechRadar Gaming评出了2024年度最佳VR头显类产品。作者给上榜头显全部安排了某类“最佳”的头衔,但实际仍然存在排行的先后。该榜单中,Meta Quest 3 获第一名,国产头显PICO 4 Ultra位列第八,小派科技没有产品上榜。 该媒体共选出了八款其认为是最顶级精品的头显,且对每一款产品都做出了点评,并给出了...
30 – Half-Life 3 Announced for Real Why the hell not? They’re just wishes! Bonus Wishes All wishes are a bonus, that is why they are wishes, right? But in the event that I come up with some additional wish I want to add in, it will be injected here with a time stamp and th...
With the Quest 3 arriving in late 2023, it is still worth buying a Meta Quest 2? Let's find out. ByJohnathan Jaehnig Jun 13, 2023 How to Set Up Additional Accounts on Your Quest 2 Gaming The Quest 2 is an excellent VR headset, so why not let others join in on the fun? Here's...