今天这个视频,姐夫会聊一聊Oculus Quest 2 最新推出的穿透模式API『Passthrough API』,教你如何马上体验到这个劲爆AR 新功能,后面还有对未来VR甚至XR发展的一些脑洞 --- 喜欢我们的影片,请点赞、分享,还有订阅频道,您的支持是让我们有动力继续产出高质量VR 相关的游戏软件和硬件体验,硬核教程视频! 万物皆可游戏 游...
【MR彩色透视对比】MetaQuest3 VS MetaQuest 3S Passthrough对比 4809 -- 13:41 App 《蝙蝠侠:阿卡姆暗影 VR》Meta Quest 3S 太棒了!Batman Arkham Shadow VR 2312 2 9:01 App 【全球首拆】Meta Quest 3S Quest3S 是 Quest 2 的改进版,而且更好! 710 -- 1:11 App 蝙蝠侠VR:阿卡姆暗影 成为骑士 Meta...
请更换浏览器再试试哦~ Quest2都出了快一年,还能月月更新,这次还有AR功能给开发者使用!想抢先体验的人可以参考教学开启。也简单说明AR VR MR的差异,给跟我一样是VR小白参考~ 游戏链接、时间我放留言 赞助LazyIvy一杯珍奶 🙌 (珍奶赞助是我公司的产品😆帮我测试一下) 👉 https://www.bobaboba.me/zh-...
演示了如何集成各种MR功能,包括场景API,共享空间锚点,Colocation, Passthrough和Passthrough颜色映射。 目前应用已经在 Meta 平台的 App Lab 上免费推出支持Meta Quest 3、Meta Quest Pro和Meta Quest 2 下载链接:https://www.meta.com/zh-cn/experiences/6858450927578454/ 游戏 单机游戏 单机游戏 VR 网络游戏 预告 ...
video see through是业界比较通用的叫法,Oculus一般叫做Passthrough。我挺喜欢Passthrough的叫法,pass有着透着某种管线(camera→display)传递过去的意思,与AR see through直接用眼镜看透相对应,定义更加形象准确,按照大家习惯就先叫VST了。 灰度video see through ...
Amazon.com: Quest 2 Elite Strap with Battery and Carrying Case for Enhanced Comfort and Playtime in VR : Video Games
‘desk passthrough’ view which cuts out a portion of the virtual desk in front of you to show your actual hands on your actual keyboard. I was surprised how well it worked. While the passthrough video quality isn’t good enough to easily make out the letters on individual keys, for ...
Quest 3 Screenshot & Video Capture Shortcut Quest Voice Commands Switch Between Controller-tracking and Hand-tracking Force Screenshots & Videos to Actually Sync to Your Phone Double-tap for Passthrough Turn on 120Hz Refresh Rate Extended Battery Mode ...
Oculus' new cameras allow me to see the world in black and white as I put the headset on, in a mode called Passthrough. The headset recognizes the floor level automatically. I can paint my room boundaries with a controller and a blue grid rises like a fence when I'm done. When I'm...
Update v44 arrives just several weeks ahead ofMeta Connect 2022, a virtual event during which Meta will unveil its next VR headset. Codenamed Project Cambria, the device will feature both mouth and eye-tracking as well as high-resolution color Passthrough. ...