6659 0 00:59 App Inseye lumi 适用于quest2 quest3 的无摄像头眼追组件 7849 2 00:50 App 售价249的VRChat面捕模块套件 paper_face_tracker 基于 Project Babble 5286 0 00:17 App Japan Vlugin EF Tracker 眼追面捕硬件 5148 5 02:49 App 手搓眼追cymple*2/能否媲美Pico4pro 4087 0 01:21 App...
另外1.0和2.0基站的差距有多少,vivetracker2.0和3.0呢?(差价真的有点高...) 这块有无必要拉满,还是近期再观望下下一代产品? 分享5赞 oculus吧 FCOI 【201226丨日常交流】Quest2 体验真还不错!之前玩VR是很早之前了,这又过了几年,最大的进步是一体化了,quest2分辨率感觉也还不错,整体可以接受了 ——— ...
5574 0 00:17 App Japan Vlugin EF Tracker 眼追面捕硬件 5749 5 02:49 App 手搓眼追cymple*2/能否媲美Pico4pro 2.6万 10 15:59 App 🕊从零开始适配VRChat面捕?最详细的教程来啦! 6742 0 00:59 App Inseye lumi 适用于quest2 quest3 的无摄像头眼追组件 4487 2 00:41 App [DIY]眼追VRCFT适配...
You can connect your fitness tracker, so your heart rate is associated with the workout. And during my Quest fitness testing, Supernatural burned more calories than any other Quest game, making it extremely effective. In more recent years, Supernatural added a mixed-reality mode for Quest 3 ...
Hi everyone! I have one question about the Vive Tracker. Currently, I would like to detect the posture of the user when running while wearing the HMD. I would like to use the Vive Tracker to detect the user's movements. Since the HTC Vive ProEye is too h
You have a big play space to enjoy Oculus Quest 2 can be enjoyed by anyone, thanks to the way it scales its Guardian room tracker from seated, to standing, to free roaming experiences. But Quest 2 is at its best when you’ve got a large (indoor) space to roam around, free of obst...
PC 应用的 Beta 版选项卡中启用此设置。该工具包的开发人员 Matthieu Bucchiaeri 指出,Oculus 软件中存在一个 bug,阻止某些用户启用眼动追踪。如果遇到此问题,用户应该会在 OpenXR Toolkit 日志文件中看到“xrCreateEyeTrackerFB() failed with XR_ERROR_RUNTIME_FAILURE”错误,此时应该向 Meta 报告问题。
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SteamVR追踪器Trundra Tracker众筹活动推迟至3月底 Trundra Tracker是由Tundra Labs开发的一款对标Vive Traccher的SteamVR追踪器,原计划在1月份进行Kickstarter众筹,但由于组件采购延迟,该众筹活动已被推迟至3月底。游 戏 快 讯 Steam农历新年特卖盛大开幕 Steam农历新年特卖现已盛大开启,精选热门游戏更有为您量身...
Trundra Tracker是由Tundra Labs开发的一款对标Vive Traccher的SteamVR追踪器,原计划在1月份进行Kickstarter众筹,但由于组件采购延迟,该众筹活动已被推迟至3月底。 游戏快讯 Steam农历新年特卖盛大开幕 Steam农历新年特卖现已盛大开启,精选热门游戏更有为您量身定做的游戏推荐,其中有不少好玩的VR游戏。即日起至2月15日...