Connecting your new VR headset to your PC is a necessary step if you want to discover an even wider catalogue of VR games for Quest 3. There are three different ways you can try: either with USB, wirelessly or via AirLink. Relatively straightforward to do, simply follow the relevant steps...
To be fair, when it works, AirLink is pure magic. So long as you have a fast and stable Wi-Fi connection (which is a requirement for any wireless streaming option here), and the software happens to work flawlessly – you can connect your Quest to your PC in seconds, and play PCVR ...
just not as much as wifi though in both, you can set bitrate.If your setting bitrate, it's compressing to fit in that bitrate.The HDMI or Displayport don't need bitrate and are not compressing, but I'm pretty sure It's compressing the image to get down the USB3 pipe...