and he made a reply that he'd spoken to the engineering team and they were still working on a fix from the before, but previously in the PTC Megathread he said it was on of their list of next things to fix - I think the update also made Airlink unusable for some users so that wa...
oculus quest 2 怎么后台运行软件??? pppkingso 想用mixed reality capture这个软件录一些mr视频。按照教程就快成功了卡在最后一步,因为校准以后再打开vd串流或者airlink就会被系统要求关闭mixed reality这个软件,实验功能打开多程序运行也不行,因为多程序它只能拖动2d程序,mixed reality这个软件无法同时和vd一起运行。
I’ve playedHL: Alyxover AirLink and it doesn’t look quite like Quest 2 clarity, more like Rift S, but it’s because i could use no more than 1.1x supersampling with my RTX3080. If i had a 3090 or something stronger, it would probably come close to a supersampled Quest 2 resoluti...
To be fair, when it works, AirLink is pure magic. So long as you have a fast and stable Wi-Fi connection (which is a requirement for any wireless streaming option here), and the software happens to work flawlessly – you can connect your Quest to your PC in seconds, and play PCVR ...
oculus quest 2 怎么后台运行软件??? pppkingso 想用mixed reality capture这个软件录一些mr视频。按照教程就快成功了卡在最后一步,因为校准以后再打开vd串流或者airlink就会被系统要求关闭mixed reality这个软件,实验功能打开多程序运行也不行,因为多程序它只能拖动2d程序,mixed reality这个软件无法同时和vd一起运行。
Oculus Quest2 V28 Airlink & 120Hz无线连接尝鲜测试 杨学海发表于杨学海 可能是全网对新手最友好的Oculus Quest2 全攻略(小白向) 莫效 META Oculus Quest2/3/3S LINK 使用教程及可能遇到的问题S 蔡子尤 Oculus Quest 2 的 7 个使用技巧和建议 查看 引用/信息源请点击:roadtovrQuest 2的7条使用技巧和建议(...
分享112 oculus吧 Lxiaofeng09 【210821】求助quest2 airlink闪退问题买回来为了玩alyx,所以用airlink串流,一开始连接,在airlink桌面的时候就经常发生闪退,具体是画面突然卡住,望四周的环境变成黑色无法显示出来,2秒后就自动退出airlink,然后头盔显示wifi断开。换了个ax3000路由器,能进airlink桌面,但打开steamvr后只能进入...
wire basically breaking the sense of presence. So even for Quest 2, we focused a lot onAirLink, which we just released. It's the ability to now stream games from your PC, so you can take advantage of the power of the PC and still have a wireless experience, whi...
2 手柄进水解决办法:换电池,换手柄主板。十二 手柄只亮灯不震动1 震动排线松动。2 震动损坏解决办法:紧排线,换震动。十三 有线串流连接不上设备关闭QUEST2里的airlink选项十四STERMVR找不到QUEST21 有线串流:换线,更新OCULUS软件2 无线串流:更新OCULUS软件,打开airlink; 更新VD软件十五 内屏有绿点:晒过强光解决...
A detailed description can be found on theOpenVR-AdvancedSettings Github page, but it is pretty straight forward:Download the OpenVR-AdvancedSettings installerandrun it. Windows may bark at you, since the executable is not signed, just click “Run Anyway“. ...