Hive is probably the most used tool in the Hadoop ecosystem. To work with Hadoop data, you need to write MapReduce jobs that are not convenient for ad hoc queries. Hive comes to the rescue by providing a SQL-like query language, which internally transforms the query to MapReduce jobs. In...
Big datadata warehousingfuzzy setsHadoopHivequeryingQuerying and reporting from large volumes of structured, semistructured, and unstructured data often requires some flexibility. This flexibility provided by fuzzy sets allows for categorization of the surrounding world in a flexible, human-mind-like ...
proposes a Software as a Service (SaaS) framework called BINARY which provides a back-end infrastructure for ad-hoc querying, accessing, visualizing and joining data from different data sources such as Relational Database Management Systems like MySQL and big data storage systems like Apache Hive. ...
Big Query MySQL Sqlite PostgreSQL and many more... User/Password OAuth Google Cloud OAuth Okta OAuth GitHub OAuth Auth0 OAuth LDAP Can be used to fetch schema and table information for metadata enrichment. Hive Metastore Sqlalchemy Inspect ...
From this point of view, we propose a new architecture to deal with the DBpedia using big data techniques in addition to the Semantic Web principles and technologies. Our proposed architecture introduces HIVE-QL as a query language for DBpedia instead of the SPARQL Query Language, which is ...
"componentDesc" : "A fast and general engine for large-scale data processing." }, { "componentId" : "MRS 3.2.0-LTS.1_004", "componentName" : "Hive", "componentVersion" : "3.1.0", "componentDesc" : "A data warehouse infrastructure that provides data summarization and ad hoc querying...
Hive DDL CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Mytweets_raw ( id BIGINT, created_at STRING, source STRING, favorited BOOLEAN, retweet_count INT, retweeted_status STRUCT< text:STRING, username:STRUCT<screen_name:STRING,name:STRING>>, entities STRUCT< urls:ARRAY<STRUCT<expanded_url:STRING>>, ...
Just when big data vendors got used to Hive, the Facebook-created open-source tool for querying big datasets on Hadoop, here comes an even faster alternative. Called Presto, the new tool also comes from Facebook — and, like Hive, it toohas now been releasedunder an open-source ...
say, a MySQL database. Classically we would have to extract that data into S3 and then write the query as a join in Hive. However, Presto can join data from S3 and MySQL, and allow us to write an SQL query like the one below, as though they weren't completely different ...
You can use Amazon EMR (Amazon EMR) and Hive to write data from Amazon S3 to DynamoDB. CREATE EXTERNAL TABLEs3_import(a_col string, b_col bigint, c_col array<string>) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' LOCATION 's3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/path/subpath/'; CREATE EXTERNAL ...