queryClient.prefetchQuery('todos', fetchTodos); // page two,使用数据 useQuery('todos', fetchTodos); 原理特征:实际上,QueryClient.prefetchQuery底层是调用QueryClient.fetchQuery,使用noop(空函数)处理fetchQuery返回的promise。因此,prefetchQuery不会返回数据,也不会抛出错误,适合用于预请求数据。 function noop...
try{constdata=awaitqueryClient.fetchQuery({ queryKey, queryFn })}catch(error) {console.log(error)} Specify astaleTimeto only fetch when the data is older than a certain amount of time: tsx try{constdata=awaitqueryClient.fetchQuery({queryKey,queryFn,staleTime:10000,})}catch(error) {console...
import React from 'react' import { useQuery } from "react-query"; const fetchPanets = async () => { const result = await fetch('https://swapi.dev/api/people') return result.json() } const Planets = () => { const { data, status } = useQuery('Planets', fetchPanets) console...
限制重新获取的查询数量:通过合理设置 refetchType 来控制重新获取的查询数量,避免性能问题。 合理使用查询键:设计合理的查询键结构,以便能够更精确地控制哪些查询需要失效和重新获取。 结合其他查询管理方法:根据实际需求,结合使用 queryClient.refetchQueries、queryClient.removeQueries 等方法,以更灵活地管理查询状态。
Describe the bug I want to invalidate some queries when component is unmounted. so, I write code like this onUnmounted(() => { queryClient.invalidateQueries({ queryKey: ['key1', 'key2'] }); }); but this code is not worked (not refetching...
But I want the data to be immediately refetched when the page is refreshed, just as it would if I wasn't using the persist API, so that users can always refresh to get the latest version of anything. I've tried setting refetchOnReconnect: 'always' in my queryClient, but this doesn...
(requestOptions: FetchOptions<ResourceData> = {}) =>{const{ key, ...config } = userConfigconst{ requestConfig = {}, ...queryOptions } = deepmerge(config, requestOptions)returnclient.fetchQuery( [key, requestConfig.lookupField, requestConfig.params],()=>fn(key, requestConfig), queryOptions )...