dev_display (Image) query_font (WindowHandle, Font) *返回可用字体 *参数2:返回可用字体 *['Arial', 'Bahnschrift', 'Calibri', 'Cambria', 'Cambria Math', 'Candara', 'Comic Sans MS', *'Consolas', 'Constantia', 'Corbel', 'Courier New', 'Ebrima', 'Franklin Gothic', 'Gabriola', *'Gadu...
()); QueryFont(hv_WindowHandle, &hv_Font); //返回可用字体 //参数2:返回可用字体 //['Arial', 'Bahnschrift', 'Calibri', 'Cambria', 'Cambria Math', 'Candara', 'Comic Sans MS', //'Consolas', 'Constantia', 'Corbel', 'Courier New', 'Ebrima', 'Franklin Gothic', 'Gabriola', //'...
query_font(Operator) Name query_font— Query the available fonts. Signature Description query_fontqueries the fonts available for text output in the output window. They can be set with the operatorset_fontusing the appropriate syntax. Fonts are used by the operatorswrite_string,read_char,read_st...
set RSTUDIO_QUERY_FONTS=0orset RSTUDIO_QUERY_FONTS=falsethen RStudio will not query for fonts. This is to help confirm that the crash is indeed happening as a result of invoking the node-system-fonts package. As part of this I also wrapped the font calls in a try/catch and logged an...
GDI 會使用 DrvQueryFont函式來取得指定字型的IFIMETRICS結構。 語法 C++ PIFIMETRICSDrvQueryFont( DHPDEV dhpdev, ULONG_PTR iFile, ULONG iFace, ULONG_PTR *pid ); 參數 dhpdev 實體裝置的PDEV控制碼,可識別實體裝置。 PDEV 是從先前呼叫DrvEnablePDEV傳回的。
GDI 使用 OEMQueryFont 函数获取给定字体的 IFIMETRICS 结构。语法C++ 复制 PIFIMETRICS OEMQueryFont( DHPDEV dhpdev, ULONG_PTR iFile, ULONG iFace, ULONG_PTR *pid ); 参数dhpdev定义dhpdev dhpdevDHPDEV 参数。iFile定义iFile ULONG_PTR 参数。
DrvQueryFontData 函式會擷取已實現字型的相關信息。 語法 C++ 複製 LONG DrvQueryFontData( DHPDEV dhpdev, FONTOBJ *pfo, ULONG iMode, HGLYPH hg, GLYPHDATA *pgd, [out] PVOID pv, ULONG cjSize ); 參數 dhpdev 從先前呼叫DrvEnablePDEV傳回的實體裝置 PDEV 句柄。 pfo 定義字型實現的 FONTOBJ...
Parent page:Schematic Query Functions - Fields Summary Returns all harness connector type, harness entry, net label, note, parameter, port, power port, sheet entry, text frame, and text string objects whoseFontproperty complies with the Query. ...
LONG FDQUERYFONTFILE( ULONG_PTR iFile, ULONG ulMode, ULONG cjBuf, ULONG *pulBuf ); Parameters iFile [in] Pointer to a driver-defined value that identifies the driver font file. This pointer is returned by a prior call toFDLOADFONTFILE. ...
Parent page: Schematic Query Functions - Fields Summary Returns all harness connector type, harness entry, net label, note, parameter, port, power port, sheet entry, text frame, and text string objects whose Font property complies with the Query. Syntax Font : String Example Usage Font =...