Teradata.Database(serveras text, optionaloptionsas nullable record) as table 关于 从服务器server上的 Teradata 数据库中返回 SQL 表和视图的表。 可以使用服务器选择性指定端口,并用冒号分隔。 可以指定可选记录参数options来控制以下选项: CreateNavigationProperties:一个逻辑值 (true/false),用于在返回的值上...
Teradata 데이터베이스 Text/CSV TIBCO(R) 데이터 가상화 Twilio(베타)(사용되지 않음) Usercube(베타) Vertica 데이터베이스 Vessel Insight Warehouse(베타) 웹 윈저 울터스 클루워 CCH 타게틱 Workforce 차원(베타)(사...
Data providers differ in support for parameters. Some data providers support named parameters; for example, SELECT Col1, Col2 FROM Table WHERE <parameter identifier><parameter name> = <value>. Some data providers support unnamed parameters; for example, SELECT Col1, Col2 FROM Table WHERE <colum...
QueryTableStatusRequest interface Reference Feedback Package: @azure/synapse-artifacts Properties Expand table continuationToken Continuation token to query table status maxSegmentCount Max segment count to query table status Property Details continuationToken Continuation token to query table status ...
To use the QBF technique, follow these steps: Open the sample database Northwind.mdb. Create a new form that isn't based on any table or query, and save it as QBF_Form. On the new form, create two text boxes and one command button that has the following properties. Then, save the...
For information about corresponding configuration file elements, see Table C-1, "Performance Tab - Mapping Between User Interface Labels and Configuration File Elements". 5.3.2 Using Fusion Middleware Control to Set the User Session Log-Off Period You can override the time to elapse, in minutes,...
Many database management systems provide a low-level interface with data stored in data structures. Some data mining tools have incorporated a number of these low-level interfaces to permit access directly to data in the data structures. One of the first systems to do this was NCR Teradata in...
Setting parameters in NQSConfig.INI: The NQSConfig.INI file contains additional configuration and tuning parameters for the Oracle BI Server, including parameters to configure disk space for temporary storage, set virtual table page sizes, and several other advanced configuration settings. See Appendix A...
in(directoryIds)); return query.fetch(); } 代码示例来源:origin: metatron-app/metatron-discovery @Override public List<Metadata> findBySource(String sourceId, String schema, List<String> table) { QMetadata qMetadata = QMetadata.metadata; QMetadataSource qMetadataSource = qMetadata.source; JPQL...
First sort the values, then sort the gaps between consecutive values to find a cutoff such that the number of gaps larger than cutoff is at most the desired number of ranges; see Sect.6.3for proof of optimality. The sorting cost can be amortized; e.g., by sorting after any update, so...