Oracle.Database(serveras text, optionaloptionsas nullable record) as table 关于 从服务器server上的 Oracle Database 中返回 SQL 表和视图的表。 可以使用服务器选择性指定端口,并用冒号分隔。 可以指定可选记录参数options来控制以下选项: CreateNavigationProperties:一个逻辑值 (true/false),用于在返回的值上...
It also describes the how to manage and use the query cache, a feature that enables the Oracle BI Server to save the results of a query in cache files and then reuse those results later when a similar query is requested. Using cache, the cost of database processing must be paid only ...
(simple_arithmetic_expression, simple_arithmetic_expression) | SIZE(collection_valued_path_expression) functions_returning_datetime ::= CURRENT_DATE | CURRENT_TIME | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP functions_returning_strings ::= CONCAT(string_primary, string_primary) | SUBSTRING(string_primary, simple_arithmetic_...
Oracle Databasein-memory是它为了同时支持TP和一定的AP分析能力引入的新存储格式和相关改造、这种双存储格式采用了fractured mirror模式,in-memory的列数据是行存数据的子集,同时时刻与行数据保持同步,从而可以支持事务性的查询能力,类似的能力在很多商业数据库中都有不同实现,而反映到优化器侧,基本有如下几种适配方式...
这里仅是简述下Oracle DBIM(db in memory),详细介绍见Oracle Database In-Memory with Oracle Database 19c、Oracle Database In-Memory: A dual format in-memory database。 Oracle 12c内存数据库(DBIM)是一个支持行列存的双格式数据库,table的数据在磁盘上仍然采用行存格式,在内存中支持行存和列存格式。在...
DatabaseMaintenance Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Diagnostics Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Dmf Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Explorer Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Facets Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.IntegrationServices Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.MultiServerConnection Microsoft.SqlServer.Manag...
A GUI Oracle create table tool that generates Oracle specific create table SQL that includes such elements as column names, column types, column lengths or precisions, column scales, nullability, unique constraints, default values, and the ability to add check constraints. Oracle Database Backup ...
Oracle Database includes a powerful array of query optimization features that maximize performance and allow DBAs to become more productive by providing innovation in plan stability.
Oracle Provider for OLE DB - Version and later: ORA-12560 Attempting to Query the Oracle Database From Microsoft SQL Server's SQL Query Analyzer Using the Or
presto-oracle [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration Nov 2, 2024 presto-orc Add support for time type partitioning in ORC for iceberg with testing Jan 9, 2025 presto-parquet Add TemporaryTableInfo to tablescan and tableFinish planNodes ...