Before you can connect to an Oracle database using Power Query, you need to install the Oracle Client for Microsoft Tools (OCMT). To connect to an Oracle database with theon-premises data gateway, 64-bit OCMT must be installed on the computer running the gateway. For more information, go...
函数参考文档Oracle.Database 备注 由于部署计划和特定于主机的功能,某些功能可能只存在于一个产品中。 先决条件 支持的 Oracle 版本: Oracle 数据库服务器 12c ( 及更高版本 Oracle 自治数据库 - 所有版本 在使用 Power Query 连接到 Oracle 数据库之前,需要安装适用于 Microsoft 工具的 Oracle 客户端...
Returns a table of SQL tables and views from the Oracle database on serverserver. The port may be optionally specified with the server, separated by a colon. An optional record parameter,options, may be specified to control the following options: ...
Oracle Database includes a powerful array of query optimization features that maximize performance and allow DBAs to become more productive by providing innovation in plan stability.
Oracle.Database(server as text, optional options as nullable record) as table Acerca deDevuelve una tabla de tablas y vistas SQL desde Oracle Database en el servidor server. Se puede especificar el puerto con el servidor, separado por dos puntos. Se puede especificar un parámetro de ...
这里仅是简述下Oracle DBIM(db in memory),详细介绍见Oracle Database In-Memory with Oracle Database 19c、Oracle Database In-Memory: A dual format in-memory database。 Oracle 12c内存数据库(DBIM)是一个支持行列存的双格式数据库,table的数据在磁盘上仍然采用行存格式,在内存中支持行存和列存格式。在...
By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service and acknowledge you have read our privacy policy. Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged oracle-database query-optimization database-performance sqlperformance or ask your own question. The...
By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to ourterms of serviceand acknowledge you have read ourprivacy policy. Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged oracle-database spring-boot jpa orask your own question....
This chapter describes ways to improve Oracle Business Intelligence query performance, including a performance tuning overview and information about monitoring system metrics.
Oracle.Database(serveras text, optionaloptionsas nullable record) as table 关于 从服务器server上的 Oracle Database 中返回 SQL 表和视图的表。 可以使用服务器选择性指定端口,并用冒号分隔。 可以指定可选记录参数options来控制以下选项: CreateNavigationProperties:一个逻辑值 (true/false),用于在返回的值上...