[6]Snowflake RESULT_SCAN function: https://docs.snowflake.com/en/sql-reference/functions/result_scan [7]Tuning the Result Cache in Oracle: https://docs.oracle.com/en/database/oracle/oracle-database/19/tgdba/tuning-result-cache.html
Every time you execute a query, it caches, so Snowflake doesn’t need to spend time retrieving the same results from cloud storage in the future. One way to retrieve results directly from the cache is byRESULT_SCAN. Fox example:
UniverSQL caches the SQL AST locally and re-uses the cache across multiple runs, better than Snowflake's result cache. Query local files without any need to upload them to Snowflake for prototyping and only upload them when you want to share data with your colleagues. Utilize your hardware ...
at org.apache.shardingsphere.infra.parser.cache.SQLStatementCacheLoader.load(SQLStatementCacheLoader.java:41) at org.apache.shardingsphere.infra.parser.cache.SQLStatementCacheLoader.load(SQLStatementCacheLoader.java:30) at com.github.benmanes.caffeine.cache.LocalLoadingCache.lambda$newMappingFunction$3(Loc...
SF设计有两个核心的ideals,使用定制开发的存储系统来存放临时或中间结果数据;并且用定制存储系统用于对象存储的cache(write-through,直写) Snowflake system design uses two key ideas (§2 ). First, it uses acustom-designedstorage system for management and exchange of ephemeral/intermediate data that is ex...
ClicHouse、Hologres、OceanBase、Doris、MySQL、Presto、SnowFlake 、ADB 基本都有涉猎 一 分类 也是逻辑优化器的优化顺序 NETSTED SUB-QUERY...REWIRTE 嵌套查询的重写 NETSTED SUB-QUERY DECOMPOSING 子查询 解压 Split Conjunctive Predicates (条件拆分) Predicate Pushdown..., enrolled AS e WHERE s.sid = e....
SnowflakeExportCopyCommand SnowflakeImportCopyCommand SnowflakeLinkedService SnowflakeSink SnowflakeSource SparkAuthenticationType SparkBatchJob SparkBatchJobResultType SparkBatchJobState SparkConfiguration SparkConfigurationListResponse SparkConfigurationReference SparkConfigurationReferenceType SparkConfigurationResource Spark...
ClicHouse、Hologres、OceanBase、Doris、MySQL、Presto、SnowFlake 、ADB 基本都有涉猎 一 分类 也是逻辑优化器的优化顺序 NETSTED SUB-QUERY...REWIRTE 嵌套查询的重写 NETSTED SUB-QUERY DECOMPOSING 子查询 解压 Split Conjunctive Predicates (条件拆分) Predicate Pushdown..., enrolled AS e WHERE s.sid = e....
SnowflakeSource SnowflakeV2Dataset SnowflakeV2LinkedService SnowflakeV2Sink SnowflakeV2Source SparkAuthenticationType SparkConfigurationParametrizationReference SparkConfigurationReferenceType SparkJobReferenceType SparkLinkedService SparkObjectDataset SparkServerType SparkSource SparkThriftTransportProtocol SqlAlwaysEncrypted...
Regardless of whether a snowflake schema is employed by a database, the DBMS may use the smaller of two tables in a join operation to build a hash table in fast-access memory to perform a hash join. Such a joined table is referred herein as a “build-side” or “dimension” table, ...