Cloud computing is having a major impact on data management, with a proliferation of new, scalable data management solutions such as distributed file and object storage, NoSQL databases and big data processing frameworks. This also leads to a wide diversification of DBMS interfaces and the loss of...
C-Store : A column-oriented DBMS prototype (frozen) compression sql analytics dbms columnar-storage lightweight-compression query-processor columnar-dbms frozen cstore-dbms columnar dbms-project query-processing Updated Jul 18, 2020 C++ varad...
A mechanism is provided for generating statistical information for query optimization in a data processing system. The mechanism comprises a first database engine maintaining a current first dataset currently being stored, a second database engine maintaining a second dataset. The second dataset is ...
We will discuss well-known AQP systems in Sect. 6. Contribution In this paper, we survey a wide spectrum of work on approximate query processing as shown in Fig. 2. We review both online aggregation and offline synopses techniques, summarize the challenges and provide the tech- niques ...
Language-integrated query (LINQ) frameworks offer a convenient programming abstraction for processing in-memory collections of data, allowing developers to
Third, the single-site queries to be executed in the local processing steps must be locally optimized to select efficient access paths. Finally, the optimized single-site queries must be translated into the data languages of the host database management systems. This paper address the first three...
in SLAs. The focus of this paper is on the design and evaluation of a general framework for query optimization that considers both performance constraints and energy consumption as first-class optimization criteria. Our method recognizes and exploits the evolution of modern computi...
engines→Database query processing→Query optimization1 IntroductionDatabase systems adapt to evolving hardware environ-ments to meet the ever growing demand of data storageand analysis. In the past, database systems went fromsingle-threaded systems to different parallel approachesin order to efficiently...
关键词:Query Optimization, Cost Model, MPP, Parallel Processing 前言 大数据带来了对查询优化的新兴兴趣,因为一种新型的数据管理系统在可扩展性、可用性和处理能力方面推动了前所未有的突破(例如,[9,18,20,21]),这使得数百TB甚至PB级别的大型数据集可以通过SQL或类似SQL的接口轻松进行分析。优化器的好坏差异一直...
executeImpl()AnalysisResult expressions;// 物理计划,判断表达式是否有where,aggregate,having,order_by,litmit_by等字段expressions=analyzeExpressions(getSelectQuery(),*query_analyzer,QueryProcessingStage::FetchColumns,options.to_stage,context,storage,true,filter_info);既然我们知道了执行计划AnalysisResult(即物理...