Annotation Type QueryParam @Target(value={PARAMETER,METHOD,FIELD})@Retention(value=RUNTIME)@Documentedpublic @interfaceQueryParam Binds the value(s) of a HTTP query parameter to a resource method parameter, resource class field, or resource class bean property. Values are URL decoded unless this ...
@QueryParam("$expand")String expand, @QueryParam("$top")Integer top, @QueryParam("api-version")String apiVersion);// The value of parameters filter, expand, top, apiVersion will be encoded and will be used to set the query// parameters {$filter}, {$expand}, {$top}, {api-version}...
@QueryParam("$expand")String expand, @QueryParam("$top")Integer top, @QueryParam("api-version")String apiVersion);// The value of parameters filter, expand, top, apiVersion will be encoded and will be used to set the query// parameters {$filter}, {$expand}, {$top}, {api-version}...
AdminRuleCollectionsCreateOrUpdateMediaTypesParam AdminRuleCollectionsCreateOrUpdateParameters AdminRuleCollectionsCreateOrUpdateQueryParam AdminRuleCollectionsCreateOrUpdateQueryParamProperties AdminRuleCollectionsDelete200Response AdminRuleCollectionsDelete202Headers AdminRuleCollectionsDelete202Response AdminRuleCollectionsDelete...
Describe the bug @Parameter with in = ParameterIn.Query are left out of the openapi.json, only the last @Parameter is actually show in openapi.json (and if it was explicitly defined in the signature as a @QueryParam Expected behavior All...
Get the properties and hints and associated values that are in effect for the query instance. Returns: query properties and hints Since: Java Persistence 2.0 setParameter <T>QuerysetParameter(Parameter<T> param, T value) Bind the value of aParameterobject. ...
API Param Types Seeall param definitions here. You can define your own parameter types by creating an object with anencodeand adecodefunction. See the existing definitions for examples. Note that all null and empty values are typically treated as follows: ...
AvailabilitySetsGetQueryParamProperties AvailabilitySetsList AvailabilitySetsList200Response AvailabilitySetsListAvailableSizes AvailabilitySetsListAvailableSizes200Response AvailabilitySetsListAvailableSizesDefaultResponse AvailabilitySetsListAvailableSizesParameters AvailabilitySetsListAvailableSizesQueryParam AvailabilitySetsListAvailableSi...
We also understood what are query parameters and how they work when we access a URL in the browser. Query parameters passed to the rest assured tests using the queryParam() method accepts the parameter name and value. You may use the queryParam() method not just once, but as many times...
authenticate()Authenticates the current user.yii\filters\auth\QueryParamAuth beforeAction()This method is invoked right before an action is to be executed (after all possible filters.) You may override this method to do last-minute preparation for the action.yii\filters\auth\AuthMethod ...