Actual Behavior 从以下报错无法定位到源码为 index.ts 这个文件。 ts-node .\index.ts query failed: select * from notable error: QueryFailedError: Error: Invalid object name 'notable'. E:\geng_shen\Final_Salvation\ts\node_modules\mssql\lib\tedious\request.js:492 callback(error, recordsets, ou...
文章被收录于专栏:小麦苗的DB宝专栏 题目部分 在Oracle中,什么是闪回版本查询(Flashback Version Query)? 答案部分 闪回版本查询(Flashback Version Query)是查询过去某个时间段或某个SCN段内表中数据的变化情况。闪回版本查询基于回滚(Undo)表空间中的回滚信息实现。
The 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine. The 32-bit (or 64-bit) version of the Access Database Engine OLEDB provider may be required to read this type of file. To download the client software, visit the following site:
get dbstats data_block データ・ブロックに関する情報を取得します。 返される情報は、集約ストレージ・データベースとはほとんど関係がありません。 get member_info <MEMBER-NAME> 特定のメンバーに関する情報を取得します。 出力 unary_typeフィールドの値は数値で、次のように変換さ...
Microsoft驱动程序与Microsoft Host Integration Server中使用的驱动程序相同,称为“ADO.NET Provider for DB2”。 IBM 驱动程序是适用于 .NET 的 IBM Db/2 驱动程序。 此驱动程序的名称会不时更改,因此请确保它与 .NET 兼容,这与与 OLE/DB、ODBC 或 JDBC 一起使用的 IBM Db2 驱动程序不同。
The 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine. The 32-bit (or 64-bit) version of the Access Database Engine OLEDB provider may be required to read this type of file. To download the client software, visit the following site:
To recap, node-oracledb has four ways to execute queries against an Oracle Database. These are the same in version 1 and version 2: Direct Fetches - these are non-ResultSet, non-queryStream()fetches. All rows are returned in one big array, limited tomaxRows(v2 allows an unlimited array...
presto-oracle [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration Jan 27, 2025 presto-orc [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration Jan 27, 2025 presto-parquet Add support for timestamps with timezone in iceberg type converter ...
The text-based query designer is the default query building tool for most supported relational data sources, including Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, Teradata, OLE DB, XML, and ODBC. In contrast with the graphical query designer, this query design tool does not validate query syntax during query...
Oracle Provider for OLE DB - Version and later: ORA-12560 Attempting to Query the Oracle Database From Microsoft SQL Server's SQL Query Analyzer Using the Or