JSON 複製 {"Start":"2024-11-02T00:14:02.7968686Z","Action":"Engine/Module/Snowflake/IO/Snowflake/Implementation","ResourceKind":"Snowflake","ResourcePath":"powerbi.snowflakecomputing.com ;DEMO_WH","HostProcessId":"29200","Implementation":"2.0","DriverType":"ADBC","ProductVersion":"...
기본 쿼리 접기 지침 및 문제 해결 팁과 함께 Snowflake 데이터베이스에 연결하는 방법에 대한 기본 정보, 필수 구성 요소 및 지침을 제공합니다.
inwink(베타) JSON KQL 데이터베이스 KX kdb Insights Enterprise(베타) Kyvos ODBC(베타) Lakehouse(베타) LinkedIn Learning LEAP(베타) LinkedIn Sales Navigator(베타) Mailchimp(사용되지 않음) Microsoft Azure Consumption Insights(베타)(사용되지 않...
连接器ExcelPower BI(语义模型)Power BI(数据流)Fabric(数据流 Gen2)Power Apps(数据流)客户Insights(数据流)Analysis Services Jamf Pro(测试版)提供者:Jamf Jethro(测试版)提供者:JethroData JSON由Microsoft 提供 1 1可在Microsoft Teams 的数据流中使用。K...
You can create an external table to query an existing, partitioned, data set from Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage using Snowflake. To illustrate how you can access data that already exists in Backblaze B2, this guide uses the Backblaze Drive Stats data set as an example. Drive Stats is a ...
athena-snowflake athena-sqlserver athena-synapse athena-teradata athena-timestream athena-tpcds athena-udfs athena-vertica docs tools bump_versions config_json_validator.py prepare_dev_env.sh publish.sh validate_connector.sh validation_testing
snowflake: # 分布式序列算法名称 type: SNOWFLAKE # 分布式序列算法类型 props: sql-show: true mysql table box_run CREATE TABLE `box_run_0` ( `id` bigint NOT NULL COMMENT 'id', `last_query_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '查询时间', ...
若要连接到旧工作簿(如 .xls 或 .xlsb),需要 Access 数据库引擎 OLEDB(或 ACE)提供程序。 若要安装此提供程序,请转到“下载页”并安装相关的(32 位或 64 位)版本。 如果尚未安装,连接到旧工作簿时将看到以下错误: The 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine. The...
In SQL, the ‘like’ query looks like this: select * from users where name like '%m%' In the MongoDB console, it looks like this: db.users.find({"name": /m/}) // Not JSON formatted db.users.find({"name": /m/}).pretty() // JSON formatted In addition, the pretty() met...
Import data from various formats such as delimited files, Excel spreadsheets, and fixed-width files.Export data in various formats such as delimited files, XML, HTML, Excel spreadsheets, JSON, and SQL insert statements. SQL Query Builder