1、错误描述 TypeError:_12.store.query is not a function _SearchMixin.js(第62行) 2、错误原因 3、解决办法
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egg2操作mysql报this.app.mysql.query is not a function ZZES_ZCDC关注IP属地: 安徽 2018.04.17 17:36:40字数66阅读6,424 犯错原因,文档没看好,,,https://eggjs.org/zh-cn/basics/config.html 问题 按照官网配置mysql好后,操作数据库,报错 TIM截图20180417172710.png 问题复现 config.default.js exports.m...
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query = function() { return [{ title: 'Paint pots', description: 'Pots full of paint', price: 3.95 }, { title: 'Polka dots', description: 'Dots with polka', price: 2.95 }, { title: 'Pebbles', description: 'Just little rocks', price: 6.95 }]; } return items; }) app....
犯错原因,文档没看好,,,https://eggjs.org/zh-cn/basics/config.html 问题 按照官网配置mysql好后,操作数据库,报错 TIM截图20180417172710.png 问题复现 config.default.js 代码语言:javascript 复制 exports.mysql = { client: { host: 'localhost', port: '3306', user: 'root', password: '123456', ...
小程序云开发服务器端代码使用 Query.aggregate 语法发起聚合操作时提示 is not a function。 Collection.aggregate情况下: cloud.database(...).collection(...).aggregate 可以正常调用 Query.aggregate情况下: cloud.database(...).collection(...).where(...).orderBy(...).aggregate is not a function ...
Describe the bug "__rialto_error__":true,"message":"Error: CdpPage.querySelector is not a function When retrieving a browser instance, the querySelector method is not found. As i can see the launch() method return a BasicResource instead...
{} testBox.vue ✗ should render correct contents TypeError: vm.$el.querySelector is not a function at Context.<anonymous> (webpack:///test/unit/specs/testBox.spec.js:8:31 <- index.js:174106:30) Chrome 60.0.3112 (Mac OS X 10.12.5): Executed 1 of 1 (1 FAILED) ERROR (0.629 ...