在Adobe Experience Manager(AEM)中,QueryBuilder是一个用于构建和执行查询的强大工具,常用于检索满足特定条件的节点(Nodes)。要获取某个特定属性的所有值,可以使用QueryBuilder来构建相应的查询。以下是如何使用QueryBuilder获取特定属性所有值的步骤和示例: 步骤概述 ...
It contains sample queries for QueryBuilder, XPath, and SQL-2, covering multiple scenarios which behave differently in terms of query performance. It also provides recommendations for how to build or customize Oak indexes. The content of this Cheat Sheet applies to AEM as a Cl...
longnumberOfPages=totalMatches/20;//Place the results in XML to return to clientDocumentBuilderFactoryfactory=DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();DocumentBuilderbuilder=factory.newDocumentBuilder();Documentdoc=builder.newDocument();//Start building the XML to pass back to the AEM clientElementroot=doc.cr...
返回结果的 HTTP 状态码.png 返回结果的 HTTP 状态码 状态码的职责 当客户端向服务器端发送请求时,...
The name of the XML element to use to contain the attribute value. Each cell in the Element column provides an ellipsis button that opens XPath Builder which you can use if the element names are saved in the process data model. If no value is specified, the name of the attribute is use...
log.info("In getResource, returning {}", rw.getPath()); return rw; } } return null; } 代码示例来源:origin: com.adobe.acs/acs-aem-commons-bundle final com.day.cq.search.Query query = queryBuilder.createQuery(PredicateGroup.create(params), resourceResolver.adaptTo(Session.class)); final...
Query di Query Builder type=cq:Page property=jcr:content/cq:tags property.value=myTagNamespace:myTag Copy Toggle Text Wrapping Piano query [cq:Page] as [a] /* lucene:cqPageLucene(https://experienceleague.adobe.com/oak:index/cqPageLucene?lang=it) jcr:content/cq:ta...
When Query arguments are passed as an Object, objToStringArgs function is transforming it into Query params https://github.com/adobe/aem-headless-client-js/blob/main/src/utils/GraphQLQueryBuilder.js#L10 This functions is not covering nes...
Adobe CQ/Adobe AEM How to create custom query predicate in CQ Use Case:Your search has some custom requirement that can not be covered by existing predicate Pre requisite: http://www.pro-vision.de/content/medialib/pro-vision/production/adaptto/2011/2011_querybuilder-pdf/_jcr_content/renditions...
intport =-1){varbuilder =newUriBuilder(uri); builder.Port = port;if(null!= queryParams &&0< queryParams.Count) {varquery = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(builder.Query);foreach(variteminqueryParams) { query[item.Key] = item.Value; } builder.Query = query.ToString(); }returnbuilder.Uri....