These methods provide access to individual rows of the results set. SET_PARAM_STRUCT must be used to assign a fully compatible ABAP structure to the rows of the results set by passing corresponding data references to the method. An internal table that specifies the names and order of the colu...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Quickviewer / Query – Joining tables. There are 2 ways of joining tables in SAP: Inner and outer joins. If you have to following 2 tables, that you want to join, you see that there are 2 matching records: 11 and 12. Table 1 11 12 13 14 Table ...
Details hierzu finden Sie in den folgenden Abschnitten: Queries online ausführen Queries im Hintergrund ausführen Antwortzeiten beeinflussen Interaktive Funktionen für ABAP-Listen Direkte Interaktion Ist diese Seite hilfreich? JaNein...
Shall we use same select query in SAP ABAP Editor (SE38) Screen, which are mentioned in above links, what makes the difference with Normal Select Query which we currently using. Thanks a lot. Regards/Hema. Answers (0) Ask a Question Type your question here...Recommendations Could Database...
To give you an idea how easy also the consumption side can be, we provide how-to examples for different consumption scenarios: ABAP WebDynproconsumption SOAPconsumption ODATAconsumption 'Easy query' is available with SAP NetWeaver BW 7.30 SP5 and BEx Query Designer 7.20 revision 672....
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hello All, I want to copy all queries under one infoset and user group to new infoset.I tried copying using copy function vaialable in goto menu.But it is giving error for the query having varian. I am unable to copy the queries with variants. And ...
I would like to know to find the queries/program's used by one of the variable in SAP BI - TVARVC table ? We have a variant in TVARVC table and we need to do some changes to the variant and I am looking how to find the queries/program's which are using this variant. Any advise...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development, PLM Document Management System (DMS) I am new to SAP DMS. I have some queries regarding this... Where is exactly data stored in SAP DMS? I mean what is the path where it is stored? Is it possible to import all the data present in SAP DMS to ...
ABAP QUERIES Here you specify the users who should be authorized to run the query. A user group is always associated with a Functional Area.Go to the menu path Environment => User Group. Give a user group name in the screen that comes next.Specify the sap logins of the users whom you ...
(SAP Exit)’ in the name. An example would be a Variable which would automatically select a period of six months and present them as a dynamic selection in the Query, using ABAP code which would determine the selection values, passing along to the Query a filter value for the required ...