common oak,English oak,pedunculate oak white oak- any of numerous Old World and American oaks having 6 to 8 stamens in each floret, acorns that mature in one year and leaf veins that never extend beyond the margin of the leaf Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-...
Northern white oak (Quercus alba) Lewis et al Oak Allergy Info They shed considerable amounts of pollen, which presents a significant challenge to allergy sufferers. The pollen is commonly allergenic, and may cause severe reactions. Oak Pollen Description ...
Define Quercus rubra. Quercus rubra synonyms, Quercus rubra pronunciation, Quercus rubra translation, English dictionary definition of Quercus rubra. Noun 1. Quercus rubra - large symmetrical deciduous tree with rounded crown widely distributed in easter