Reich, MichelSoulié, OphélieRevnic, JuliaElsevier Masson SASMedecine Palliative Soins de Support - Accompagnement - EthiqueReich M. Soulie O. Revnic J.. Quelles prises en charge de la confusion mentale en soins palliatifs?. Medecine palliative (2011) 10: pp. 4-13....
FamilleNouveau-néSoins palliatifsÉthiqueWithin the context of palliative care, supporting the whole family is crucial both during the child's illness and after its death. This approach requires a consideration by the health care teams of the family needs and, among them, the parental needs. ...
cellule d’animation régionale des soins palliatifs en Bretagne, équipe mobile d’accompagnement et de soins palliatifs, CHU Hôtel-Dieu, 2, rue de l’Hôtel-Dieu, CS 26419, 35064 Rennes cedex, France;Service d’épidémiologie et de santé publique, CHU Pontchaillou, 2, rue Henri-le-Gui...
In France, the government's plan to combat Alzheimer's disease takes into consideration mostly the beginnings of the disease; it does not deal with the sufferers' end of life. For this pathology, the very idea of a palliative care phase and its definition are not straightforward. The object...
Soins palliatifsPolitique de santéEnd of lifePalliative careHealth policyObjectives: This study aimed to measure geographical inequalities across regions in the provision of inpatient palliative care services, while taking into account the needs for palliative care at the regional level. Methods: Use of...