五月在queering the map的加沙看見了這條留言,非常難過。「我一直想象你我坐在外面的太陽下,手牽手,終於自由。我們聊著所有那些我們如果可以去就會去的地方。可是現在你已離去。如果我早知道落在我們頭上的炸彈會把你從我身邊帶走,我就會大聲告訴全世界我喜愛你多於一切。抱歉我如此懦弱。」然後右邊是今天看見的「...
Similar to the approach proposed by Modell (2022), we first map the field with a literature review drawing on the various aspects of critical queer pedagogy to offer a nuanced assessment of emerging trends and critical debates around queer approaches to pedagogy. We leverage this body of research...