As Nickelodeon and (especially) Cartoon Network began steadily embracing queer characters in their animated shows, Disney Channel lagged behind significantly. That was until “The Owl House” came along. Creator Dana Terrace has been outspoken about having to fight for representation in the show at ...
Justin Yoon - Brooklyn, NY I am Justin Yoon, Artist based in Brooklyn, New York. In my practice, I use these recurring characters, almost like a cast of actors being used over and over in different seasons, episodes, or iterations. This idea started off similar to the concept of Graphic...
But these bursts of representation were nothing compared to the deluge of queer-coded characters that would arrive following the company’s late ’80s renaissance. (More on that below.) There’s also the matter of Disney Theme Parks, which are an entire topic in themselves. For years, ...
As Nickelodeon and (especially) Cartoon Network began steadily embracing queer characters in their animated shows, Disney Channel lagged behind significantly. That was until “The Owl House” came along. Creator Dana Terrace has been outspoken about having to fight for representation in the show at ...