Practical driving test results Class tested Code/condition (if any) Passed Failed Examiners signature Date Day Month Year / / Examiners number Report number Eyesight test (if required) No Yes Tick where applicable Give refusal letter...
Bosley S, Dale J: Healthcare assistants in general pracice: practical and conceptual issues in skill-mix change. Br J Gen Pract. 2008, 58: 118-124. 10.3399/bjgp08X277032. Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Miers M: Professional boundaries and interprofessional working. Understanding...
We have framed this evaluation in terms of ‘complex interventions’ as per the United Kingdom Medical Research Council guidance to weigh up the available evidence in the light of these methodological and practical constraints, ensuring there is consideration of all elements of the intervention (...
Background/objectives: Assessing perinatal diet and its determinants in Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women remains challenging, given the paucity of tools that incorporate Aboriginal ways of knowing, being, and remembering within a