The Queensland Police Service (QPS) issued a statement on Tuesday morning that said it is working with other relevant law enforcement and government agencies regarding the illegal access of an IT database from TAFE Queensland. "The illegal activity follows a number of recent cyber attacks on other...
Even more powerful features are on the horizon.Someday soon your phone could also pay for your meals.A new technology would store your credit and bank account information on your cellphone.You could then use your phone much like a credit card.Use it to pay for a meal or purchase new clot...
I was surprised that so many people knew my name, until I realised that I was wearing my Lotus Club badge. To see the number and quality of Lotuses that took part in the run was quite
Queensland police service QUANTEM: Queensland Alcohol-related violence in the Night Time Economy Monitoring SA: South Australia SNP: Safe Night Precinct Vic: Victoria WA: Western Australia References Chikritzhs T, Gray D, Lyons Z, Saggers S. Restrictions on the sale and supply of alcoh...
RACQ spokesperson Lauren Ritchie said it was a timely reminder to motorists who mistakenly believed police didn’t monitor minor breaches of the law. “Obviously, there are many motorists copping fines for breaking rules they may not be aware of,” Ms Ritchie said. “These road rules may seem...