mental health, cognition, and social behaviour data. In doing so, we hope to make a significant and novel contribution to our understanding of the numerous emotional and behavioural health problems that emerge during the developmental period of adolescence. At the same time...
These are the HIDDEN ROOT CAUSES of ALL of your challenges and health issues. Her unique expertise in utilizing several different Clinical, Holistic, Alternative Energy and Scientific techniques along with highly developed intuitive skills work together creating incredible accuracy in healing. ...
Samantha Fien of Ooraleahas made remarkable contributions to mental health awareness in the surf lifesaving community. Sam is a dedicated surf lifesaver and senior lecturer at CQUniversity. Starting as a Nipper, she has advanced through various leadership roles, including National Member Wellbeing Adv...
Sally and Tom both represent people who have experienced chronic homelessness throughout their lives and talked openly about how they have struggled to access appropriate housing and support. Factors such as Sally's experiences of trauma and abuse and her physical and mental health, Tom's history...
School staff are often the first port of call for young people who are experiencing mental health difficulties and tend to be one of the first groups outside the family to notice problems. They require access to resources, support, and referral options concomitantly to measures to integrate the...
Open AccessArticle by Samantha Jeffries *, William R. Wood and Tristan Russell Griffith Criminology Institute, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Griffith University, Brisbane, QLD 4122, Australia * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. ...
All fieldsTitleAbstractKeywordsAuthorsAffiliationsDoiFull TextReferences Open AccessArticle by Hao Yu Shih 1,*, Mandy B. A. Paterson 1,2and Clive J. C. Phillips 1 1 Centre for Animal Welfare and Ethics, University of Queensland, White House Building (8134), Gatton Campus, Gatton, QLD 4343,...