Queensland University of Technology - Faculty of Law International Business law (TOP 210) Australia 6. Master of Information Technology Queensland University of Technology (QUT) Information Systems Management (TOP 205) Australia 7. Master of Business (Management) Queensland University of Tech...
推荐专业:Master of Computer Science 均分要求:211均分75,双非均分78; 语言要求:雅思6.5,单项不低于6 2. 商业,经济与法律学部(Faculty of Business, Economics & Law) 昆士兰大学商学院(UQ Business School)在2010年中旬与美国哈佛大学商学院(HBS)出版社签署合作协议。UQ商学院师生自此享有与哈佛商学院师生完全相...
其余专业的双非基本要求都是80,Finance专业里比较出彩的是Master of International Economics and Finance,...
Master of Teaching (Primary) The University of Queensland, 2024 “Good facilities and plentiful student resources” Really lovely campus, probably one of the most beautiful in the world. Good facilities and plentiful student resources. Quality of teaching and curriculum structure could be improved, ...
University of Queensland Data Total number of students 42,847 Number of international students 18,048 Total number of academic staff 1,095 Number of international staff 357 Number of undergraduate degrees awarded 7,142 Number of master's degrees awarded 5,581 Number of doctoral degrees awarded 1,...
10. Master of Commerce Information Systems University of Queensland - Faculty of Business, Economics and Law New Zealand 11. Master of Information Management (MIM) Victoria University of Wellington - School of Information Managemen...
Master of Philosophy Doctor of Philosophy Applicants enrolled in Master or Doctor of Philosophy programs with relevance to geochemistry are also eligible for this prize. Application Process: Complete the online application. You'll need: A DOI number A personal statement A topic of a peer-reviewed ...
Queensland Master Builders Association Queensland Meals on Wheels Queensland Meat Exporters' Association Queensland Media Group Queensland Medical Education Centre Queensland Microtechnology Facility Queensland Minerals and Energy Academy Queensland Mines Rescue Service ...
Master of Commerce 学术要求:211均分75,双非均分85 语言要求:雅思6.5,单项不低于6。语言未达标...
Master of Commerce 学术要求:211均分75,双非均分85 语言要求:雅思6.5,单项不低于6。语言未达标可以配语言课,10周语言课为直升英文课程,无需再考雅思。 其余专业的双非基本要求都是80,Finance专业里比较出彩的是Master of International Economics and Finance, 双非80。