Positive mental health was assessed with the 14-item Mental Health Continuum – Short Form (MHC-SF [102]), which provides scores on Social, Emotional, and Psychological Well-Being. This scale has excellent psychometric properties. Extreme scores on this scale can define subgroups of “flourishing...
The Queensland fruit fly, Bactrocera tryoni, is a major pest of Australian horticulture which has expanded its range in association with the spread of horticulture over the last ~ 150 years. Its distribution in northern Australia overlaps that of
Jim Ife (2020, p.20) asserted that in Australia and other western nations over the last 40 years neoliberalism has “emphasised the importance of individual responsibility”, necessitating a smaller role for government in the provision of health, housing, education and income services. According to...
FNQ has an abundance of solar and wind resources that have bright potential towards the fruitful sustainable pathways. However, the intermittency or unsteady nature makes solar and wind less secure, incapable of providing energy at all times [9]. There is one that sounds to be consistent with p...
HealthCereal Grains for Human HealthCerebral Palsy and Nutrition—A Global PerspectiveChanging Times for Vitamin D and HealthChildhood Diet and the Impact on Physical and Cognitive DevelopmentChildhood Eating and Feeding DisturbancesChinese National Nutrition Survey 2012Chocolate and Cocoa in Human Health...
However, dogs and cats with microchip data problems were only 3.8 (dogs) and 9.7 (cats) times more likely to be Animals 2015, 5 339 reclaimed than non-microchipped animals. Of the animals that were not reclaimed (i.e., were adopted or euthanased), there was no impact on euthanasia ...
Therefore, such programs are likely to be cost-effective, given that shelter costs in Australia for a cat rehomed after one week were estimated at $756 (cat admission, basic health care, desexing, housing for one week, etc.), plus, for cats for whom rehoming takes longer than one week...