Practical driving test results Class tested Code/condition (if any) Passed Failed Examiners signature Date Day Month Year / / Examiners number Report number Eyesight test (if required) No Yes Tick where applicable Give refusal letter...
We have framed this evaluation in terms of ‘complex interventions’ as per the United Kingdom Medical Research Council guidance to weigh up the available evidence in the light of these methodological and practical constraints, ensuring there is consideration of all elements of the intervention (...
This study found evidence that if patients were not involved in driving the new services then patient outcomes were less likely to be the specific focus of the project, or were not improved. In particular, one project, driven from the top-down, with the goal of reducing unplanned hospitalizati...
and the effects of colonisation can be barriers to conducting research [4,5]. As such, dietary intake cannot be examined in isolation. Food choices, the factors, and the motivations driving them must also be assessed to develop a foundation for strategies that enhance outcomes and result in ef...