The plot itself is based on a fascinating real-life story, which adds an extra layer of intrigue to the movie. The concept of suburban women embarking on a criminal enterprise through coupon fraud is both unique and unexpected, making for an interesting premise. It provides some thought-...
Queenpins: Directed by Aron Gaudet, Gita Pullapilly. With Kristen Bell, Lidia Porto, Joel McHale, Kirby Howell-Baptiste. A pair of housewives create a $40 million coupon scam.
Bell opened up to ET about her new movie, based on real events. Kristen Bellis dipping her toe in the underground world of illegal couponing. The actress stars in theupcoming comedy caperQueenpins, and opened up to ET about the fun project. "I play Connie Kaminski, a former...
while enjoying the physical comedy and the humour we have all come to expect from The Boss Baby universe. “We are hoping that people will be inspired to reach out to an estranged family member after they see the movie,” McGrath says. “Wouldn’t it be great to call your mom, ...
Queenpins: Directed by Aron Gaudet, Gita Pullapilly. With Kristen Bell, Lidia Porto, Joel McHale, Kirby Howell-Baptiste. A pair of housewives create a $40 million coupon scam.
who is nice to see. It's an interesting case to watch and very well made. But as also one mistake leads theair kn hot water and it ends up getting them caught. Overall queenpinz is a well made real life movie with some good story telling. And great acting which helps it all ...