The plot itself is based on a fascinating real-life story, which adds an extra layer of intrigue to the movie. The concept of suburban women embarking on a criminal enterprise through coupon fraud is both unique and unexpected, making for an interesting premise. It provides some thought-...
Queenpins: Directed by Aron Gaudet, Gita Pullapilly. With Kristen Bell, Lidia Porto, Joel McHale, Kirby Howell-Baptiste. A pair of housewives create a $40 million coupon scam.
"We kind of play off each other really well," Howell-Baptiste said of her chemistry with Bell. "There are times when she's the sort of devil on the shoulder and I'm the angel, and vice versa." In the film, which is based on a true story,Bebe Rexhaplays one of Bel...
Queenpins: Directed by Aron Gaudet, Gita Pullapilly. With Kristen Bell, Lidia Porto, Joel McHale, Kirby Howell-Baptiste. A pair of housewives create a $40 million coupon scam.