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Queen - Don't Stop Me Now
Don't Stop Me Now (Remastered 2011) - Queen Lyrics by:Freddie Mercury Composed by:Freddie Mercury Tonight I'm gonna have myself a real good time I feel alive And the world I'll turn it inside out yeah I'm floating around in ecstasy ...
Dream Queen - Don't Stop Me Now
Bandleader Freddie Mercury wasn't just a pretty face and incredible voice though, and he gets sole writing credit for loads of the band's biggest hits, including 'Bohemian Rhapsody', 'Killer Queen', 'Don't Stop Me Now' and yes, 'We Are The Champions'. As for who plays on it, you...
Don't let me burn Burn all by myself I am dying here put it out I'm burning alive And I want it to stop Oh baby I'm on fire Can you please put it out for me Don't let me burn Let me burn let me burn by myself Take away Oh baby I'm on fire Take away the pain Oh ...
it's gonna stop it yeah healing is a process you let negativity in it's gonna stop it let's play house of cards put your energy your happiness put it all and just stack it up and watch it fall cause you gave it to somebody who didn't care at all trapped in the past moves you...
Now there in control! Were gonna die, Cause they got the weapons, all gonna die, yes they got all the weapons. And we don't think there's any hope! There on a death rampage, no surprise, On a precision course, there out of line, out of control ...
Diana at her most political – and her most caring, as she wishes pride, love, and success on an infant. Her vocal is amazing on Tom Baird’s “Brown Baby,” which has something of the feel of Marvin Gaye’sWhat’s Going On, making it logical that the song should segue into Diana...